Friday, September 14, 2007

selfishness and blogging

wow, it's been quite a while since I even looked at this page. Needless to say, this blog has been on the "back burner." I guess I have to admit that I wasn't journaling for my own pleasure, but, because it seemed like no one was reading, I quit writing.

There's probably a lot in my life that I could say that about. If it weren't for other people watching, or appreciating, or giving feedback, or at least acknowledging something is being done, I wouldn't do half the things I do. That seems dangerous.

What would I do if I wasn't doing it for someone else? a bit scary, I think.

So maybe it's not so bad. Doing things "for" other people at least keeps me from being completely selfish and self-serving. I don't pretend to have great motives at all times, but I'm glad I have people I care about that help me not to be ME focused (all the time).

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