Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Pictures

I hope everyone had a great Easter... here's a few pictures.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Guitars and Girlfriends

It is true. I have a new guitar (see picture on left). Her name is Ganny. That's right. Ganny the guitar. (My 3 year old son, Will, helped me name her.)

The reason I have a new guitar is because there were several cracks on my other one (the bridge, the neck block and the top backside of the neck)... not pretty. It turns out I didn't take good enough care of her. I let a few too many kids handle it, left it out where the heat and lack of humidity dried out the wood, and it probably took too many bumps. I miss her and will mourn her passing. Though she was not my first, she was very special.

I think guitars are sort of like girlfriends. With the first few you don't realize all the work that's required to maintain them, and they usually suffer because of it. They don't typically last, but the good news is you didn't invest as much into it (my first guitar only cost about $100). As guitars come and go, you begin to appreciate the finer qualities and have learned how to love and better care for them. I'm still learning, but I think, in much the same way, I am a better husband today because of what I learned from my failures as a boyfriend many years ago. ...and my amazing wife is definitely worth the extra care and upkeep.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Update (finally!)

Well, since I've not blogged on here for quite some time, I thought I'd give a little update.
1. Today I faxed a special needs assessment and checklist to our adoption agency... We've been logged in to China's adoption system since March 7th, 2006, and now Amy and I are opening up the option of adopting a child with special needs. This could be anything from a cleft palate to minor heart conditions to skin conditions (and a number of other minor special needs). When you think of it, pray for us.
2. NCAA: I picked Kansas to win it all.
3. Hawaii. The last two weeks of January my family joined Amy's mom, brother and sister-in-law for a trip to Hawaii. So nice. I seriously wish I could live there. I thought I might share a few pictures with you. Enjoy!
Jan. 21st, got on cruise ship
Jan. 22nd, visited Hilo on the Big Island (notice the Jamba Juice in my hand!)
Jan. 23rd-24th, Maui... sunrise on top of Haleakala

Jan. 25th, Kona, on the other side of the Big Island

Jan. 26th-27th, Kauai (Waimea Canyon & Na Pali Coast)

Jan. 28-Feb 1st, Oahu (off the cruise): visit with the Kawais, Pali overlook, on the beach with the boys & Waikiki from Diamondhead