Wednesday, January 24, 2007

a beginning

I guess I should explain my title a bit... "giving thought to my ways." It's a partial quote of Proverbs 14:8, which in full reads, "The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception."

I guess I want to avoid being a fool-- according to this verse, being one who deceives himself. I don't want to be lying to myself and blindly going along living an "unexamined life." I want to be wise by "giving thought to my ways," thinking about where I am going. Does the path I'm walking lead to a place I want to go? If I keep heading this way, will I like where I arrive?

Unfortunately I am not like Casey or BJ. I am intending neither to read through the Bible in one year nor to blog everyday... but, maybe at some point in this journey, I'll discover some things that will help me draw me nearer to God.

1 comment:

caseycockerham said...

Hey! Welcome to the club! I look forward to reading your blogs. Congrats on the house!